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We are first and foremost human beings.
Lets prioritise that first. 

It is in our nature to seek the path of least resistance,
we are wired this way. 

To often this traps us to jump to the quick fix, the 1 pill, the 8 week program, the fast food, the easy options. 

In our modern lifestyles, more often than not these choices lead us into Yo-Yo Cycles and Pain Cycles leaving us fraught with frustrations, disappointments and average results at best.


Platinum Standard
Personal Training

Training for humans, whatever the dream. 


The Big Picture 
Needs to be addressed from all angles as a total system, in an approach that prioritises optimal vitality and health. 

I offer a service that supports the development and progress of optimal health encompassing everything from:

- Biomechanics and Movement
- Strength and Performance
- Nutrition and Lifestyle behaviours
- Core Values and Mindset habits

As the individuals we are unique, wether it be mechanically, neurologically, biologically, chemically, environmentally, mentally or even spiritually.

What we all have in common is the Freedom and equal potential to tap into our self discipline to embrace and adapt behaviours that allows us to achieve desired change for
the long term.

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Danny's current credentials


- Functional Patterns Human Biomechanics Specialist (LVL3)
- NeuroKinetic Therapy Practitioner (LVL 3)
- C.H.E.K Practitioner (LVL 2)
- C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Coach (LVL 3)
- C.H.E.K  Exercise Coach
- Certificate III, IV Fitness


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